List of actors born in the country US They are listed in alphabetical order. Their country of birth, circumcision status and penis size is also indicated below their picture. Click on the picture to find out more about them. Willie Aames Willie Aames N/A - 285 Andrew Addams Andrew Addams LN/A - 490 Ben Affleck Ben Affleck XLN/A - 232 Casey Affleck Casey Affleck N/A - 262 Owen Alabado Owen Alabado LN/A - 556 David Alanson David Alanson LN/A - 418 Lewis Alante Lewis Alante N/A - 797 Joe Almanza Joe Almanza MN/A - 688 Ben Andrews Ben Andrews LN/A - 508 Zach Appelman Zach Appelman MN/A - 192 Hale Appleman Hale Appleman N/A - 258 Michael Apuzzo Michael Apuzzo LN/A - 705 Jesse Archer Jesse Archer MN/A - 128 Vin Armani Vin Armani LN/A - 702 Alexis Arquette Alexis Arquette XLN/A - 286 Christopher Atkins Christopher Atkins MN/A - 496 Alex Austin Alex Austin MN/A - 342 Braden Bacha Braden Bacha LN/A - 732 Kevin Bacon Kevin Bacon MN/A - 103 Eric Balfour Eric Balfour MN/A - 301 Grant Barker Grant Barker LN/A - 647 Ken Barnett Ken Barnett N/A - 565 Matt Battaglia Matt Battaglia N/A - 1042 Ryan Bauer Ryan Bauer LN/A - 249 Ben Baur Ben Baur MN/A - 787 Windham Beacham Windham Beacham N/A - 1053 Randy Becker Randy Becker LN/A - 580 Jason Behr Jason Behr N/A - 234 Aaron Bell Aaron Bell XLN/A - 560 Wes Bentley Wes Bentley N/A - 623 Tom Berenger Tom Berenger MN/A - 49 Houston Bernard Houston Bernard LN/A - 668 David Beutler David Beutler MN/A - 78 Jason Biggs Jason Biggs LN/A - 155 Eric Parker Bingham Eric Parker Bingham LN/A - 635 Jonah Blechman Jonah Blechman N/A - 1054 Alex Boling Alex Boling N/A - 701 Matt Bomer Matt Bomer N/A - 615 Ben Bonenfant Ben Bonenfant N/A - 631 David J. Bonner David J. Bonner SN/A - 290 Zachary Booth Zachary Booth MN/A - 23 David Boreanaz David Boreanaz MN/A - 580 Daniel Boyle Daniel Boyle LN/A - 294 Steve Boyle Steve Boyle N/A - 774 Jesse Bradford Jesse Bradford N/A - 273 Brendan Bradley Brendan Bradley N/A - 427 Jay Brannan Jay Brannan MN/A - 117 Nicholas Braun Nicholas Braun LN/A - 318 Michael Brent Michael Brent LN/A - 443 Matt Brewer Matt Brewer LN/A - 542 Matthew Bridges Matthew Bridges N/A - 1114 Jack Brockett Jack Brockett MN/A - 100 James Bullard James Bullard MN/A - 160 Michael Burke Michael Burke MN/A - 778 Simon Burzynski Simon Burzynski N/A - 1088 Taylor Caldwell Taylor Caldwell SN/A - 455 Billy Campbell Billy Campbell SN/A - 394 Matthew Campbell Matthew Campbell MN/A - 579 Matt Cannon Matt Cannon MN/A - 707 Michael Carbonaro Michael Carbonaro XLN/A - 765 Dylan Carden Dylan Carden XLN/A - 380 Ryan Carnes Ryan Carnes SN/A - 396 Cody Cash Cody Cash XLN/A - 340 Jonathan Chase Jonathan Chase MN/A - 513 Craig Chester Craig Chester N/A - 682 Jake Christian Jake Christian LN/A - 769 Steven Christopher Steven Christopher N/A - 1091 Brett Chukerman Brett Chukerman MN/A - 653 Mark Cirillo Mark Cirillo XLN/A - 35 Jimmy Clabots Jimmy Clabots XLN/A - 433 Kyle Clare Kyle Clare XLN/A - 476 George Clooney George Clooney N/A - 189 Brian Coe Brian Coe MN/A - 889 Pressly Coker Pressly Coker N/A - 990 Eric Michael Cole Eric Michael Cole SN/A - 523 Bradley Cooper Bradley Cooper N/A - 389 Hunter Cope Hunter Cope N/A - 1101 Brady Corbet Brady Corbet N/A - 518 Nic Cory Nic Cory N/A - 1038 Rory Cosgrove Rory Cosgrove MN/A - 252 Scott Cox Scott Cox LN/A - 907 Grant Cramer Grant Cramer SN/A - 525 Zach Cregger Zach Cregger N/A - 302 Benji Crisnis Benji Crisnis LN/A - 615 Tom Cruise Tom Cruise MN/A - 210 Jesse Cutlip Jesse Cutlip N/A - 788 Willem Dafoe Willem Dafoe LN/A - 8 Steven Daigle Steven Daigle MN/A - 551 Joe Dain Joe Dain N/A - 605 Joe Dallesandro Joe Dallesandro LN/A - 31 Matt Damon Matt Damon N/A - 494 Marco Dapper Marco Dapper XLN/A - 62 Adam David Adam David N/A - 718 Matthew Davis Matthew Davis N/A - 984 Richy Davis Richy Davis LN/A - 642 Paul Dawson Paul Dawson LN/A - 86 PJ DeBoy PJ DeBoy LN/A - 384 Eric Dean Eric Dean N/A - 1005 Eric Dekker Eric Dekker MN/A - 712 Walter Delmar Walter Delmar MN/A - 540 Patrick Dempsey Patrick Dempsey SN/A - 768 Paul Denniston Paul Denniston N/A - 1129 Leonardo DiCaprio Leonardo DiCaprio MN/A - 499 Casper Van Dien Casper Van Dien LN/A - 129 Aleksandr Dissan Aleksandr Dissan XLN/A - 300 Mike Domianus Mike Domianus LN/A - 239 Stephen Dorff Stephen Dorff XLN/A - 247 Mike Doyle Mike Doyle LN/A - 234 James Duval James Duval N/A - 491 Kirk Duvall Kirk Duvall MN/A - 559 Zac Efron Zac Efron N/A - 380 John Enos III John Enos III N/A - 412 Ben Evans Ben Evans XLN/A - 970 Mark Ewert Mark Ewert LN/A - 729 Reid Ewing Reid Ewing LN/A - 252 Pepper Fajans Pepper Fajans N/A - 1081 Benjamin Farmer Benjamin Farmer MN/A - 689 JJ Feild JJ Feild LN/A - 730 William Fichtner William Fichtner MN/A - 420 Chase Fleming Chase Fleming MN/A - 29 Jon Fleming Jon Fleming LN/A - 126 Jon Foster Jon Foster LN/A - 319 Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx N/A - 762 Dave Franco Dave Franco N/A - 1059 James Franco James Franco N/A - 63 Tyler W. French Tyler W. French LN/A - 242 David Gail David Gail N/A - 508 Vincent Gallo Vincent Gallo LN/A - 136 Sean Galuszka Sean Galuszka N/A - 1072 Steven Gannt Steven Gannt XLN/A - 452 Robert Gant Robert Gant N/A - 180 Jsu Garcia Jsu Garcia XLN/A - 452 Mark Eugene Garcia Mark Eugene Garcia MN/A - 399 David Garelik David Garelik N/A - 546 Tim Garrett Tim Garrett XLN/A - 6 Jeremy Gender Jeremy Gender LN/A - 27 Richard Gere Richard Gere MN/A - 248 James Getzlaff James Getzlaff N/A - 790 Cam Gigandet Cam Gigandet N/A - 478 Adam Goldberg Adam Goldberg MN/A - 558 Cuba Gooding Jr. Cuba Gooding Jr. N/A - 51 A.J. Goodrich A.J. Goodrich LN/A - 954 Joseph Gordon-Levitt Joseph Gordon-Levitt LN/A - 453 Mark-Paul Gosselaar Mark-Paul Gosselaar N/A - 698 Addison Graham Addison Graham LN/A - 544 Brenden Gregory Brenden Gregory LN/A - 173 Jared Grey Jared Grey LN/A - 470 Jonathan Groff Jonathan Groff MN/A - 130 Robin Thomas Grossman Robin Thomas Grossman N/A - 1043 Michael Gunther Michael Gunther MN/A - 213 Scott Gurney Scott Gurney XLN/A - 195 Michael A. Guzman Michael A. Guzman XLN/A - 821 Jake Gyllenhaal Jake Gyllenhaal N/A - 82 Michael Haboush Michael Haboush MN/A - 361 Bug Hall Bug Hall XLN/A - 758 Harry Hamlin Harry Hamlin N/A - 351 Tayte Hanson Tayte Hanson LN/A - 448 Adam Hardman Adam Hardman XLN/A - 598 Trevor Hardy Trevor Hardy MN/A - 279 Walker Hare Walker Hare MN/A - 726 Gale Harold Gale Harold XLN/A - 48 Neil Patrick Harris Neil Patrick Harris N/A - 720 Sean Harris Sean Harris MN/A - 275 Randy Harrison Randy Harrison LN/A - 218 Josh Hartnett Josh Hartnett N/A - 355 Fatmir Haskaj Fatmir Haskaj N/A - 134 Nick Hawk Nick Hawk XLN/A - 60 Ethan Hawke Ethan Hawke N/A - 675 Garrett Hedlund Garrett Hedlund MN/A - 266 Kevin Held Kevin Held LN/A - 384 Keith Hennessy Keith Hennessy XLN/A - 789 John Hensley John Hensley N/A - 1045 Justin Herwick Justin Herwick MN/A - 163 Jesse Hewit Jesse Hewit XLN/A - 862 John Benjamin Hickey John Benjamin Hickey MN/A - 550 Michael Hill Michael Hill N/A - 752 Logan Hilyard Logan Hilyard XLN/A - 741 Christopher Himmelstein Christopher Himmelstein LN/A - 729 Brendan Hines Brendan Hines N/A - 1050 Emile Hirsch Emile Hirsch MN/A - 106 Sean Hoagland Sean Hoagland MN/A - 377 Hunter Hoffman Hunter Hoffman SN/A - 579 Philip Seymour Hoffman Philip Seymour Hoffman N/A - 1080 Olen Holm Olen Holm N/A - 1106 Steve Howey Steve Howey LN/A - 22 Whip Hubley Whip Hubley MN/A - 640 Curtis Ray Husted Curtis Ray Husted MN/A - 414 Reid Hutchins Reid Hutchins LN/A - 217 Barlow Jacobs Barlow Jacobs MN/A - 893 Thomas Jane Thomas Jane MN/A - 666 Alex Janjanin Alex Janjanin XLN/A - 79 Bryce Johnson Bryce Johnson N/A - 293 Ivar Johnson Ivar Johnson LN/A - 542 Christopher Jones Christopher Jones MN/A - 537 Dylan Jordan Dylan Jordan LN/A - 325 Jeremy Jordan Jeremy Jordan N/A - 622 Clifton Collins Jr Clifton Collins Jr LN/A - 748 Imri Kahn Imri Kahn LN/A - 816 Taylor Kinney Taylor Kinney N/A - 755 Justin Kirk Justin Kirk MN/A - 645 Trevor Knight Trevor Knight XLN/A - 747 Kevin Kramer Kevin Kramer LN/A - 559 Jack Krizmanich Jack Krizmanich N/A - 780 Ronnie Kroell Ronnie Kroell LN/A - 349 Ashton Kutcher Ashton Kutcher N/A - 176 Shia LaBeouf Shia LaBeouf MN/A - 36 Jason Lambert Jason Lambert N/A - 1113 Brace Land Brace Land LN/A - 38 John-Michael Lander John-Michael Lander N/A - 658 David Lavine David Lavine MN/A - 525 Joe Lia Joe Lia LN/A - 350 Matthew Lillard Matthew Lillard N/A - 157 Blaise Godbe Lipman Blaise Godbe Lipman MN/A - 761 Johnny Lockhart Johnny Lockhart MN/A - 389 Sean Paul Lockhart Sean Paul Lockhart LN/A - 251 Justin Long Justin Long N/A - 607 Tom Long Tom Long LN/A - 785 Mario Lopez Mario Lopez N/A - 877 Ronald Lopez Ronald Lopez LN/A - 885 Michael Lovan Michael Lovan MN/A - 448 Scott Lowell Scott Lowell MN/A - 632 Matthew Ludwinski Matthew Ludwinski XLN/A - 665 Scott Lunsford Scott Lunsford MN/A - 450 Bambi Lush Bambi Lush LN/A - 373 Benjamin Lutz Benjamin Lutz N/A - 1044 Ryan Lynn Ryan Lynn MN/A - 150 Kyle MacLachlan Kyle MacLachlan MN/A - 590 William H. Macy William H. Macy N/A - 770 Billy Magnussen Billy Magnussen LN/A - 572 Jono Mainelli Jono Mainelli N/A - 1046 Gregory Marcel Gregory Marcel LN/A - 978 Scott Marlowe Scott Marlowe N/A - 1098 James Marsden James Marsden N/A - 431 Ryan Massey Ryan Massey MN/A - 892 David Matherly David Matherly LN/A - 360 Stephen Matzke Stephen Matzke LN/A - 401 Matthew McConaughey Matthew McConaughey MN/A - 166 Jake McDorman Jake McDorman N/A - 405 Zach McGowan Zach McGowan XLN/A - 228 Greg McKeon Greg McKeon XLN/A - 89 Ken Merckx Ken Merckx N/A - 974 Chris Messina Chris Messina MN/A - 478 Jesse Metcalfe Jesse Metcalfe N/A - 421 Jason Mewes Jason Mewes LN/A - 747 Aaron Milo Aaron Milo N/A - 338 Drew Moerlein Drew Moerlein N/A - 783 Michael Molina Michael Molina LN/A - 971 Cameron Monaghan Cameron Monaghan XLN/A - 9 Matthew Montgomery Matthew Montgomery MN/A - 748 Theo Montgomery Theo Montgomery MN/A - 603 Malcolm Moorman Malcolm Moorman MN/A - 305 David Moretti David Moretti N/A - 996 Mitch Morris Mitch Morris N/A - 357 Tracy Morse Tracy Morse MN/A - 1026 Viggo Mortensen Viggo Mortensen MN/A - 382 C.K. Moseley C.K. Moseley MN/A - 399 Christian Mousel Christian Mousel MN/A - 206 Dermot Mulroney Dermot Mulroney MN/A - 276 Allen Nabors Allen Nabors SN/A - 514 Alan Natale Alan Natale N/A - 1074 Clayton Nemrow Clayton Nemrow MN/A - 120 Jacob Newton Jacob Newton XLN/A - 349 Austin Nichols Austin Nichols N/A - 848 Michael Nicklin Michael Nicklin N/A - 1095 Tyler Nilson Tyler Nilson SN/A - 568 Edward Norton Edward Norton LN/A - 81 Tye Olson Tye Olson N/A - 755 Alvaro Orlando Alvaro Orlando MN/A - 205 John Ort John Ort LN/A - 818 Jimmy P. Jimmy P. LN/A - 724 Peter Paige Peter Paige MN/A - 742 Noel Palomaria Noel Palomaria MN/A - 734 Kip Pardue Kip Pardue LN/A - 555 Danny Parr Danny Parr MN/A - 1049 Hunter Parrish Hunter Parrish N/A - 634 Brian Patacca Brian Patacca N/A - 1124 Jason Patric Jason Patric N/A - 497 Blaine Pennington Blaine Pennington LN/A - 808 Damian Perkins Damian Perkins LN/A - 532 Avery Pfeiffer Avery Pfeiffer MN/A - 636 Ryan Phillippe Ryan Phillippe N/A - 451 River Phoenix River Phoenix N/A - 69 Vincent Piazza Vincent Piazza MN/A - 296 Tommy Pistol Tommy Pistol LN/A - 460 Brad Pitt Brad Pitt LN/A - 171 Michael Pitt Michael Pitt MN/A - 779 Kevin Pittman Kevin Pittman SN/A - 283 Freddy Prinze Jr. Freddy Prinze Jr. N/A - 764 Lou Taylor Pucci Lou Taylor Pucci N/A - 371 Brandon Ryan Puleio Brandon Ryan Puleio LN/A - 884 Brontez Purnell Brontez Purnell XLN/A - 222 John Putnam John Putnam LN/A - 403 Massimo Quagliano Massimo Quagliano MN/A - 692 Adrian Quinonez Adrian Quinonez LN/A - 77 Luis Quiroz Luis Quiroz N/A - 1126 Jeffrey Radford Jeffrey Radford N/A - 708 Chris Raines Chris Raines LN/A - 416 Wes Ramsey Wes Ramsey XLN/A - 320 Andrew Rannells Andrew Rannells N/A - 1041 James Ransone James Ransone LN/A - 710 Oliver Reed Oliver Reed LN/A - 237 Taylor Reed Taylor Reed SN/A - 545 Brad Renfro Brad Renfro N/A - 621 Giovanni Ribisi Giovanni Ribisi LN/A - 527 Forth Richards Forth Richards SN/A - 624 Joseph Richardson Joseph Richardson N/A - 1122 Dennis W. Rittenhouse Jr. Dennis W. Rittenhouse Jr. N/A - 699 Jason Ritter Jason Ritter N/A - 569 Brad Roberge Brad Roberge XLN/A - 66 Sam Rockwell Sam Rockwell MN/A - 489 Jorge Rodolfo De Hoyos Jr. Jorge Rodolfo De Hoyos Jr. XLN/A - 1060 Rob Romoni Rob Romoni XLN/A - 902 Mark Ruffalo Mark Ruffalo N/A - 805 Matthew Rush Matthew Rush LN/A - 446 Nick Salamone Nick Salamone N/A - 943 Chris Salvatore Chris Salvatore LN/A - 709 Steve Sandvoss Steve Sandvoss LN/A - 88 John de los Santos John de los Santos SN/A - 796 Peter Sarsgaard Peter Sarsgaard SN/A - 143 Eric Schaeffer Eric Schaeffer LN/A - 837 Adam Scott Adam Scott MN/A - 620 Kevin P. Scott Kevin P. Scott LN/A - 378 Jason Segel Jason Segel MN/A - 225 Scott Sell Scott Sell N/A - 280 Bryan Sevilla Bryan Sevilla XLN/A - 697 Brendan Sharpe Brendan Sharpe MN/A - 24 Jason Shepard Jason Shepard N/A - 339 Kiyoshi Shishido Kiyoshi Shishido N/A - 1119 Marc Sinoway Marc Sinoway N/A - 477 Michael Sirow Michael Sirow LN/A - 256 Wesley Snipes Wesley Snipes LN/A - 806 Ferrin Solano Ferrin Solano XLN/A - 1037 Ian Somerhalder Ian Somerhalder XLN/A - 282 Hal Sparks Hal Sparks MN/A - 85 Scott Spragg Scott Spragg N/A - 719 Ashley Springer Ashley Springer N/A - 730 Nick Stahl Nick Stahl N/A - 135 John Stallings John Stallings N/A - 727 Aaron Star Aaron Star SN/A - 386 Jake Steel Jake Steel LN/A - 142 Michael von Steele Michael von Steele MN/A - 832 Ryan Steele Ryan Steele N/A - 759 Darryl Stephens Darryl Stephens N/A - 177 Eric Stoltz Eric Stoltz MN/A - 504 Thomas Stroppel Thomas Stroppel N/A - 471 Jeff Sublett Jeff Sublett N/A - 1116 Tim Swain Tim Swain N/A - 546 Joe Swanberg Joe Swanberg LN/A - 461 Joe Sykes Joe Sykes MN/A - 648 Channing Tatum Channing Tatum LN/A - 593 Miles Teller Miles Teller N/A - 564 Jason Teresi Jason Teresi N/A - 1067 Jim Thalman Jim Thalman SN/A - 739 Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake LN/A - 799 Rip Torn Rip Torn MN/A - 67 James Townsend James Townsend LN/A - 329 Donner Tran Donner Tran MN/A - 440 Thomas Trussell Thomas Trussell MN/A - 1089 Michael Valdes Michael Valdes LN/A - 524 Michael Vara Michael Vara N/A - 92 Zack Vazquez Zack Vazquez XLN/A - 510 Milo Ventimiglia Milo Ventimiglia MN/A - 345 Todd Verow Todd Verow LN/A - 223 Derek Efrain Villanueva Derek Efrain Villanueva XLN/A - 553 Mike Vogel Mike Vogel N/A - 991 Dylan Vox Dylan Vox LN/A - 376 Michael E.R. Walker Michael E.R. Walker LN/A - 212 Paul Walker Paul Walker N/A - 750 Tony Ward Tony Ward MN/A - 101 Josh Watson Josh Watson LN/A - 437 Dewey Weber Dewey Weber N/A - 731 Jeremy Allen White Jeremy Allen White LN/A - 220 Jonathan Williams Jonathan Williams XLN/A - 744 Michael Kenneth Williams Michael Kenneth Williams XLN/A - 1035 Alex Wilson Alex Wilson MN/A - 154 Patrick Wilson Patrick Wilson MN/A - 664 Danny Wolske Danny Wolske LN/A - 911 James Wortham James Wortham MN/A - 15 David Wright David Wright LN/A - 215 B. Wyatt B. Wyatt MN/A - 769 Steve Zahn Steve Zahn N/A - 324 Chris Zeischegg Chris Zeischegg XLN/A - 633 Chris Zylka Chris Zylka SN/A - 87