Descent (2007)
with nudity from Chad Faust and Marcus Patrick
In this movie...
In this movie, we get over 20 uninterrupted minutes of Chad Faust naked (including full frontal) with sexual games finished by Chad being butt fucked by Marcus Patrick!
Movie information
- Category: Straight , Gay , Lesbian
- Duration: 101 min
- Released in: 2007
- Country: United States
- Genres: Drama, Thriller
- IMDB score: 4.7
- IMDB description: A college co-ed is brutally raped and struggles alone to rebuild her life. In the winter of her senior year, Maya talks to Jared at a frat party, accepts his invitation to dinner at a nice restaurant, then goes to his apartment, just to talk. He assaults her. Her personality changes, she's withdrawn; she graduates and takes a job at a clothing store, staying apart from co-workers. At night, she's someone else: a beauty at the club scene, dancing, seductive, sniffing cocaine, becoming the friend of a heavy hitter. She thinks about her racial identity. That fall, she's a grad student, and Jared is in an exam she proctors. She invites him to her apartment; he's certain she's stuck on him.
- Naked actors:
Chad Faust
Marcus Patrick