Hard (1998)

with nudity from Alex Boling, Brian Coe, Malcolm Moorman, Noel Palomaria and Tracy Morse

In this movie...

Noel Palomaria is first seen naked when taking a shower. We see his butt and then his dick before he puts a towel around his waist. Later, 25 minutes in the movie, he gets in the bathroom after making love with a man. His dick is erect, big and thick. He also has a condom on it that he removes. 40 minutes in the movie, Noel Palomaria and Malcolm Moorman are making love. There is a long scene of both of them naked, wrestling on the bed. We see both butts and briefly balls and dicks. 55 minutes in the movie, Alex Boling is naked and tortured by Malcolm Moorman. We see Alex's butt. 77 minutes in the movie, Michael Waite is naked in bed with Malcolm Moorman and we see Michael Waite's butt when he leaves the bed. Towards the end of the movie, Brian Coe's dick and balls at length as he is tied naked. He has a pretty big and thick uncut dick. We also see briefly Tracy Morse's dick. He is also tied and appears to be uncut.

Movie information