Game of Thrones season 5 (2011)
with nudity from Alfie Allen and Gethin Anthony
In this movie...
Alfie Allen is naked 16 minutes in episode 5 of season 1. He proudly shows us his massive uncut dock. As his fellow actress says, he is a "serious boy with a serious cock". Later in the episode, we get a partial butt shot of Gethin Anthony, after he gets a complete shave from his boyfriend Finn Jones.
Movie information
- Category: Straight , Gay
- Duration: 55 min
- Released in: 2011
- Country: United States
- Genres: Action, Action Epic, Adventure, Drama, Epic, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy, Fantasy Epic, Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery
- IMDB score: 8.5
- IMDB description: Catelyn has captured Tyrion and plans to bring him to her sister, Lysa Arryn, at The Vale, to be tried for his, supposed, crimes against Bran. Robert plans to have Daenerys killed, but Eddard refuses to be a part of it and quits.
- Naked actors:
Alfie Allen
Gethin Anthony