Angels in America (2003)

with nudity from Justin Kirk and Patrick Wilson

In this movie...

In this series, Justin Kirk shows us in large cut penis as he is having a medical exam. We see his dick sideways as he is lying down the exam table. We can however see his circumcised penis very clearly. In a different episode, Patrick Wilson get naked on the beach. Although the scene is filmed from behind, we see Patrick Wilson's large penis and balls in between his legs. He is also circumcised.

Movie information

  • Category: Gay
  • Duration: 352 min
  • Released in: 2003
  • Country: United States
  • Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
  • IMDB score: 8.2
  • IMDB description: Playwright Tony Kushner adapts his political epic about the AIDS crisis during the mid-eighties, around a group of separate but connected individuals. God has abandoned Heaven. It's 1985: the Reagans are in the White House and Death swings the scythe of AIDS. In Manhattan, Prior Walter tells Lou, his lover of four years, he's ill; Lou bolts. As disease and loneliness ravage Prior, guilt invades Lou. Joe Pitt, an attorney who is Mormon and Republican, is pushed by right-wing fixer Roy Cohn toward a job at the Justice Department. Both Pitt and Cohn are in the closet: Pitt out of shame and religious turmoil, Cohn to preserve his power and access. Pitt's wife Harper is strung out on Valium, aching to escape a sexless marriage. An angel invites Prior to be a prophet in death. Pitt's mother and Belize, a close friend, help Prior choose.
  • Naked actors:
    Justin Kirk
    Patrick Wilson