Initiation (2009)
with nudity from Harry Lampl
In this movie...
27 minutes in the movie, we see Harry Lampl fully naked. He has a cover around his waist, but when he stands the cover falls on the floor and reveals his nice uncut cock. Soon after we also see his butt. 56 minutes in the movie, we see his butt again but from a distance. He is doing a show shaking his bootie. 64 minutes in the movie, we clearly see his butt as he is forced to making love to a woman.
Movie information
- Category: Gay
- Duration: 95 min
- Released in: 2009
- Country: Germany
- Genres: Drama
- IMDB score: 6.2
- IMDB description: 16-year old Axel and his clique are rioting in a residential home. There he meets the 80-year old Gustav who gains interest in the young boy, as he reminds him of his lost love.
- Naked actors:
Harry Lampl