Lady Chatterley's Lover (1981)
with nudity from Nicholas Clay
In this movie...
23 minutes in the movie, there is a hot scene by a well. Nicholas Clay gets completely naked to clean himself. We see his butt and then his cut dick from the side. The scene lasts a pretty long time, and we get a closed up view at his butt that he cleans carefully.
Movie information
- Category: Straight
- Duration: 104 min
- Released in: 1981
- Country: United Kingdom
- Genres: Drama, Period Drama, Romance, Steamy Romance
- IMDB score: 4.8
- IMDB description: A film adaptation of D.H. Lawrence's novel. After a crippling injury leaves her husband impotent, Lady Chatterly is torn between her love for her husband and her physical desires. With her husband's consent, she seeks out other means of fulfilling her needs.
- Naked actors:
Nicholas Clay