Queen Margot (1994)
La reine Margot
with nudity from Vincent Perez
In this movie...
50 minutes in the movie, Vincent Perez is wounded, and as they remove his clothes, we get a good view at his sweet uncut dick and lean butt. 95 minutes in the movie, there is a love scene with Vincent Perez, and we see his bubble butt and then his penis with a clean full frontal after his leaves the bed.
Movie information
- Category: Straight
- Duration: 162 min
- Released in: 1994
- Country: France
- Genres: Biography, Costume Drama, Drama, Historical Epic, History, Period Drama, Tragedy, Dark Romance, Romance, Tragic Romance
- IMDB score: 7.4
- IMDB description: Young Queen Margot finds herself trapped in an arranged marriage amidst a religious war between Catholics and Protestants. She hopes to escape with a new lover, but finds herself imprisoned by her powerful and ruthless family. The night of August 24, 1572, is known as the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. In France a religious war is raging. In order to impose peace a forced wedding is arranged between Margot de Valois, sister of the immature Catholic King Charles IX, and the Hugenot King Henri of Navarre. Catherine of Medici maintains her behind-the-scenes power by ordering assaults, poisonings, and instigations to incest.
- Naked actors:
Vincent Perez