The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 1: The Moab Story (2003)

with nudity from JJ Feild

In this movie...

28 minutes in the movie, JJ Feild is stripped naked. We see his big cut dick and his massive balls bouncing around. We get a long view at his frontal while they hold him and even apply honey to his pubes! Then he he attached to a pole, and while a man comes deliver him, we get another long view at his frontal, and can admire his low hanging big balls. We even get close-up view at his genitals. In the second part of the movie, JJ Feild is playing naked with a girl. As she squeezes fruits over his body, we see his big dick again. This time he is showing us a nice chubby. JJ Feild is naked a lot in this movie. There are also a couple of other guys showing frontals, but not nearly as much as JJ.

Movie information

  • Category: Straight
  • Duration: 127 min
  • Released in: 2003
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Genres: War, Adventure, Biography, Drama, Romance, Thriller
  • IMDB score: 6.7
  • IMDB description: The first of three parts, we follow Tulse Luper in three distinct episodes: as a child during the first World War, as an explorer in Mormon Utah, and as a writer in Belgium during the rise of fascism. Packed with stylistic flourishes, it's a dense, comic study of 20th century history, revolving around the contents of one man's suitcases.
  • Naked actors:
    JJ Feild