List of actors born in the country NL They are listed in alphabetical order. Their country of birth, circumcision status and penis size is also indicated below their picture. Click on the picture to find out more about them. Toon Agterberg Toon Agterberg MN/A - 672 Daniël Boissevain Daniël Boissevain N/A - 1010 Michiel Huisman Michiel Huisman L95/100 - 125 Antonie Kamerling Antonie Kamerling N/A - 791 Kasper van Kooten Kasper van Kooten N/A - 987 Peter Paul Muller Peter Paul Muller MN/A - 826 Danny de Munk Danny de Munk MN/A - 592 Maarten Spanjer Maarten Spanjer LN/A - 222 Hans van Tongeren Hans van Tongeren MN/A - 551 Ward Weemhoff Ward Weemhoff LN/A - 568