List of actors born in the country BR They are listed in alphabetical order. Their country of birth, circumcision status and penis size is also indicated below their picture. Click on the picture to find out more about them. Thyago Alves Thyago Alves S100/100 - 139 Fabio Audi Fabio Audi 100/100 - 935 Cainam Baladez Cainam Baladez LN/A - 904 Rodrigo Bittes Rodrigo Bittes MN/A - 510 Caio Blat Caio Blat LN/A - 627 Rodrigo Bolzan Rodrigo Bolzan MN/A - 631 Rafael Cardoso Rafael Cardoso MN/A - 595 Thierre Di Castro Thierre Di Castro N/A - 638 Thiago Cazado Thiago Cazado LN/A - 407 Ghilherme Lobo Ghilherme Lobo N/A - 247 Vicente Pinho Neto Vicente Pinho Neto XLN/A - 648 Paulo Sousa Paulo Sousa XLN/A - 216 João Gabriel Vasconcellos João Gabriel Vasconcellos MN/A - 381